The deadline for proposal submission is November 25th 2024, 1 PM CET.
This call contains four bilateral modules with co-funding for partners from
1. Queensland/ Australia (submission tool via )
2. Sao Paulo/ Brazil (this submission tool)
3. Thailand (this submission tool)
4.. Vietnam (this submission tool)
Cooperation with other countries are NOT eligible (only as third countries with their own funding).
If you have partners from Queensland (module 1) – please go to the parallel submission tool at
This submission tool is only for module 2 – 4 with partners from Sao Paulo, Thailand or Vietnam.
Proposals of the German partners must be submitted exclusively using this online tool. Proposals submitted via E-mail, fax, paper copy will not be considered for evaluation. For detailed information concerning the Bioeconomy International program see the official German “Bekanntmachung” under “Call Documents” (left side of the screen, in German and English).
Please, use the respective “template for project description” (also under “Call Documents”) and do not forget to submit in parallel a proposal with the same content at the submission tools of the respective funding agency in Sao Paulo / Thailand / Vietnam.
This call invites joint research proposals within the following research topics:
If you have questions with regard to the submission in Sao Paulo, please contact:
Alexandre Roccatto
Science Manager – Engineering and Natural Sciences
Scientific Directorate
FAPESP - São Paulo Research Foundation, Brazil
The aim of this program is to fund high quality R&D projects with Thai/German cooperation making an important contribution to one of the following topics. The project proposals should generally include a connection to the production of high-value chemical compounds. This includes bio-hydrogen, but is not limited to the latter:
If you have questions with regard to the submission in Thailand, please contact:
Dr. Sonthaya Chaiarwut (Mr)
Project Anylst (Global Partnership Program)
Program Management Unit for Human Resources & Institutional Development, Research and Innovation (PMU-B), Thailand.
Tel. : (+66)2-109-5432
E-mail :
The aim of this program is to fund high quality R&D projects with Vietnamese/German cooperation making an important contribution to at least one of the following fields of action:
If you have questions with regard to the submission in Vietnam, please contact:
Mr Đinh Viết Dũng
Official of International Cooperation Department, Ministry of Science and Technology
Tel: +84 - 39435376;
Mobile: 0913-266-851;
Projects in the frame of Bioeconomy International 2025 shall significantly contribute to implement the Bioeconomy on a global level.
The aim of this program is to fund German partners (universities, research organisations and industry) in international consortia. A key requirement of this program is that the projects have to be at eye level. This means that partners from abroad are working equally in cooperation with German partners. All partners should bring their expertise to solve a problem in joint efforts which is difficult (or impossible) to be solved alone.
Please, respect that this call for proposals does not intend to fund development aid-projects and the added-value for Germany must be clearly demonstrated!
If you have questions concerning the application procedure, please read our FAQ-document (also under “Call Documents”) or contact
Dr. Veronika Jablonowski
Tel.: +49 2461/61-5083 or
Dr. Christian Breuer
Tel.: +49 2461-61-96929
Projektträger Jülich (PtJ)
Geschäftsbereich Biologische Innovation und Ökonomie (BIO)
EU & International Affairs (BIO 7)
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
52425 Jülich